
Showing posts from September, 2018

Essar Four Villages Half Marathon

2018 Essar Four Villages Half Marathon Race HQ With apologies in advance for what is a somewhat self-indulgent review of the 2018 Essar Four   V illages Half Marathon . The route is a nostalgic one for me as these are roads that I have traveled by pram, foot, go-kart, skateboard, sled, bike, school bus, moped, motorbike and car as both man and boy. The event is popular, more often than not sold-out and organised by those lovely people at Helsby Running club. I have no affiliation with the club but have attended north of 10 races organised by the “Green Army” all of which are friendly, exceptionally well organised, good value and my favourite of which incorporate pie and mushy peas washed down with lashings of hot tea and home-made cakes. The short review is;  “A closed to cars undulating circular rural route on tarmac with P.B. potential thanks in part to the final couple of miles being mostly downhill. Support at the start and finish is excellent with pockets